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Британская версия альбома Black Roses.
1. Livin'' In A World Without You
2. Ten Black Roses
3. Ghost Of Love
4. Justify
5. Your Forgiveness
6. Run To You
7. You Got It Wrong
8. Lost And Lonely
9. Fight
10. Dangerous Kind
11. Live Forever
12. Yesterday You Threw Away Tomorrow


The Rasmus on German TV – The Dome

The Rasmus will guest The Dome 47 on RTL2, with the new single "Livin'' In A World Without You".
The Dome 47 will be aired twice,
September 6 at 17.00-20.00
September 20 at 17.00-20.00

Black Roses will be released in…..
So far, we are happy to see the following countries releasing the album:

Finland 24.09.2008
Sweden 24.09.2008
Norway 24.09.2008
Denmark 24.09.2008
Estonia 24.09.2008
Germany 26.09.2008
Austria 26.09.2008
Netherlands 26.09.2008
Switzerland 26.09.2008
UK 29.09.2008
Belgium 29.09.2008
Canada 07.10.2008
Japan 01.10.2008
…and the album is soon out also in France, Mexico, Spain, Greece, Italy, Israel, Poland, Czech Republic, Iceland, Russia and Ukraine and we hope to give you those release dates shortly.

And more countries will be added to the list!
PLEASE NOTE that the dates might change.

Black Roses will be released in some different formats.
- BLACK ROSES CD album with 11 tracks.
- BLACK ROSES Special Fan Edition, the CD album + DVD with a 1h documentary about the making of the album, filmed and produced by Eero Heinonen.
- BLACK ROSES Digital album – tracklist as the CD.
- BLACK ROSES Digital album – iTunes Special edition with one bonus track.
...and on the UK and Japanese versions there might be Bonus Tracks...

Новое письмо от Паули))

Happy Xmas and Merry new years to all! :)
Current mood: busy
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

diu diu aka.
halituliallaa, tiriahhaa & hilipatitsuikkaa !

Nice relaxing Xmas behind and getting ready for year 2008!

and Yes, album ALMOST done.
2 more songs to go.
Going crazy in good way here! hehehe
track list to do, video to do, new pictures to do, cover art to do....
work work but fun fun.

I cant wait to hear what you all think of our new album!




Thanks so much for everyone who congratulated me for my 28th birthday! Actually on November 27th i went to our myspace and i was touched by the sight, so many of our fans wanted to greet me on the birthday! anyway, that''s the bass player only.. ; )
I feel so old now (i think everyone''s supposed to get older and enjoy it), but i feel so good too. We have a new album coming, i can''t wait to go on tour with the new songs, and i''m editing this documentary of making of "Black Roses" so the album and band is on my mind every day!

Merry Christmas and happy thanksgiving to all ya!



Today is 12th of November. We are recording today a track of bass guitar for "Ghost of Love". Lauri has been recording "doubling" vocals for the songs the last few days. He''s been working very hard to get the pronouncing right, i think it''s great! These tracks that Lauri is doing now are making the choruses sound really big and fat, i love that!

The place where we record, we call it "birdhouse". It''s looking over a beautiful forest and in couple of miles, almost in the horizon, we can see the downtown of Nashville, the big skyscrapers and that is such a view...
The autumn is really here now, the trees are yellow and red and orange, it''s all just a bit like a fairy tale.
Every day we have been cooking some nice lunch or dinner at the birdhouse, we''ve had red curry thai chicken, the spread cheese filled steak, pasta bolognese... i wonder what we''ll be having today. Lauri is really into cooking. I''m not that talented in the kitchen, but i know couple of nice tricks from my wife. It''s coming out good!

I can''t wait to hear the ready mixes of these songs!"




The Rasmus has started work on their new album, with a release date in March 2008. The title of the album is BLACK ROSES and recordings started in Helsinki on September 17, in The Rasmus own Dynasty Studio.

This time the band is working together with Desmond Child, one of the most successful songwriters and producers in the world, known for his work with Kiss, Alice Cooper, Ricky Martin, The Scorpions and many others. The Rasmus teamed up with Desmond Child in Greece and LA during the summer to write the songs for the new album together. Apart from Helsinki, recordings will also take place in Nashville, USA. Michael Wagener, producer for Metallica, Alice Cooper, Ozzy and many others, will mix the album in his studio in Nashville. Desmond Child is co-producing BLACK ROSES together with Swedish hitmaker Harry Sommerdahl.


A monologue by Pauli...
(poor guy talking to himself again...;))

P : If i tell you..........do you promise not to tell anyone?
P : ofcourse.
P : ok, good to know, coffee?
P : no thanks im fine.
P : Have you heard that The Rasmus is going to studio next week to record their new album...and, they are going to record some parts of the album in Finland to capture the REAL HELLsinki feeling on it...in finland the summer is over and its getting dark again...perfect time to spend in the studio and make music...and some parts also in USA
P : Holy mackarel!
P : .... i also heard the guys talking about the song names, u wanna hear what i heard?
P : tell me!
P : ok, im not sure if these are the names which they are going to keep...
but i heard that one has something to do with "Black Roses"...in one other i heard them singing someting about "Dangerous Kind" and 3rd one i heard revealing lyrics like "...We danced drunk and naked..." and something about "Live Forever"...
I heard the boys are also taking new pictures in few weeks and really exited to start the whole thing again...recording, touring, pictures, album cover photos, videoshoots everything!
they said also that they would be super happy to tour as many countries as possible
and also visit countries that they have never been before!
P : boys also said BIG greetings to all the fans!
P : p.s. if you wanna know more secrets...stay tuned, i`ll be back.............................................

09.06.2007 17:59
Подходя в 9 вечера к заводу Орджоникидзе, я был в предвкушении традиционной огромной очереди на входе. Однако был приятно удивлён, не обнаружив на входе никого кроме охранников. Администрация клуба «Б1-Максимум» не стала мочить фанатов под накрапывающим дождиком, и уже в 7 вечера начала запускать публику на концерт финской группы The Rasmus .

Победители в номинации «лучший зарубежный артист» на Российской премии M TV уже не первый раз в Москве. Чего хотя бы стоят их прошлогодние выступления на одной сцене с другими популярными финнами из Him в Лужниках.

На этот раз The Rasmus были сами хедлайнерами вечера. По необъяснимым причинам, честь разогревать мелодичных лав-рокеров досталась группе SpaceCats. Низкосортная поп-электроника в стиле начала 90-ых в этот вечер явно не пользовалась успехом у публики на 80% состоящей из девушек 14-16 лет.

Уже на второй песне зал начал активно освистывать музыкантов и громко скандировать РАСМУС! Из зала на сцену летел разнообразнейший мусор, от пластиковых бутылок до… использованных тампонов. Под не опускающиеся ни на минуты «факи» и крики «валите…» коты продержались еще минут 15. Сказав: «спасибо, что вы не наши фанаты» и пожелав пришедшим: «fuck you!» расстроенные музыканты покинули сцену.

Даже к выходу звезд вечера зал был полон от силы наполовину, получасовой перерыв негативно сказывался на фанатках. Девушки из первых рядов очень агрессивно и грубо вели себя с фотографами, работавшими в пресс-зоне на трех первых песнях.

У не запасшихся берушами представителей прессы от дикого визга нескольких сотен девушек заложило уши. The Rasmus вышли на сцену с песней Guilty, и завели толпу на последующие полтора часа. Следом зазвучали столь популярные в фанатской среде Lucifer''s Angel, Still Standing, First Day Of My Life, Funeral Song и Keep Your Heart Broken. На Lucifer '' s Angel одна из фанаток смогла лично передать Лаури картину на которой изображены музыканты. Перед композицией In My Life спетой всем залом, кто-то кинул на сцену плюшевую собачку. Подбирая сувенир Ээро почему то задумался о Чебурашке и напел песню знакомую ему по приключениям ушастого персонажа из советских мультиков.

С композиции Immortal начался целый блок песен исполненных на акустической гитаре Лаури. В таком исполнении очень запомнилась Not Like The Other Girls, в акустике она звучит иначе, чем на альбоме. Основной сет-лист группа завершала двумя своими главными хитами No Fear и In The Shadows. Восторгу зала не было предела.

Барабанщик Аки за этот концерт сломал несколько пар барабанных палочек, которые теперь украшают домашние алтари фанаток группы The Rasmus . После энкора Паули сел за ударную установку, а Лаури взял в руки бас-гитару. Последней композицией концерта, стала традиционная Don''t Let Go.

Фотографии с концерта http://www.yoki.ru/photo/report/rasmus-234

Алексей Витвицкий

Письмо от Паули и мой перевод))

Body: Hello / hola / ciao / helo / Al Salaam a''alaykum / Barev / Nei Hou / Bok / Dobry den / Goddag / Hallo / Tere / Bonjour / Guten Tag / Kalimera / Kalimera / Shalom / Namaste / Szia / Assalamu alai kum / Buon giorno / Konnichiwa / Annyong ha shimnikka / Labas / Ni Hao / Ba''ax ka wa''alik / Sekoh / Ya at eeh / Selam / Czesc / Oi / Buna ziua / Zdraustvuite / Talofa lava / Zdravo / Dobry den / Jambo / mambo poa / Magandang tanghali po / Merhaba / Pryvit / Mique / Bore da and last but not least...Terve!

We have been writing songs like a dogs (dogs dont write songs? yes they do, dogs are people too:)) and rehersing for the summer gigs.
I was in Los Angeles with Lauri writing new songs and checking out new producers, we felt that we need some fresh producer, new inspiration and go forward with our music.
We have now really good team and it seems that we will record our new album in USA, starting in september, so we still have time to write more music to perfect the album. Its been really good to have
this "silence" for the band , since we recorded 2 last albums very fast and there was no time or personal life. Now we are exited and hungry again!
Thanks to all who have had patience to wait, we promise to do our best.
See you at summer gigs (unfortunately we can visit every country, cus we need time for writing) and hopefully with new album we will be able to do massive tour around the world.
Greetings from Lauri, AKi and Eero!

Pus Pus


Мы писали наши песни как псы ( собаки не пишут песен? А вот и нет, собаки люди тоже :)) и рипетировали летнии выступления.
Я был вместе с Лаури в Лос Анджелосе где мы писали новые песни искали новых продюсеров, мы чувствуем что нам уже нужен кто то новенький, новое вдохновление и направление вперёд за новой музыкой.
У нас не очень хорошая команда и судя по всему запись нового альбома пройдёт в США, начиная с сентября, и это значит что у нас ещё есть время для написания ещё большего количества музыки. Это очень хорошо что группа была в "тиши", с тех пор как мы написали последнии 2 альбома в безумной спешке и совсем не было времени а личную жизнь. а теперь мы воодушевлены и "голодны" опять.
Спасибо всем у кого хватает терпения ждать, мы обещаем сделать всё наилучшим образом.
Увидемся летом( к сожаления мы не в силах посетить каждую страну, тк нам нужно время для записи) и с новым альбомом мы сможем совершить огромный тур оп всему миру.

Greetings from Lauri, AKi and Eero!


27-05-07 GrogyFest, Riga [LV]
08-06-07 B1, Moscow [RU]
10-06-07 Ice Arena, Kazan [RU]
12-06-07 Club Peace, Ufa [RU]
13-06-07 Palace of Sports, Chelyabinsk [RU]
14-06-07 EKB, Ekaterinburg [RU]
15-06-07 Sports Centre Lokomotiv, Krasnoyarsk [RU]
16-06-07 Palace of Sports, Novosibirsk [RU]
17-06-07 SKK Areena, St. Petersburg [RU]
17-07-07 Fly BEEyond, Athens [GR]
27-07-07 Open Air, Val Lumnezia [CH]

22.06.07 RMJ 2007, Rauma (FI)
08.07.07 Ruisrock Festival, Turku (Finland)
28.07.07 Qstock Festival, Oulu (Finland)
31.07.07 Verkatehdas, Hamenlinna(Finland)

"Dear fans, we are so happy to talk with you all a bit and we sent you lot of greetings from Finland. We know you all are very worried cause no news, but we are so ok, no worries! We are so busy with our work at studio, with our ideas and music.We would try to release a VERY GOOD album, the best ever... and everything we do is just for YOU ALL! The silence is not good, we know that, but it''s our choice to be in silence, so we can work a lot and get a very fantastic album soon... it''s our big surprise for all of you, dear fans! So, make a promise, no worries, just wait for the new album! We send a THANK YOU to Sefi&Paola cause their everlasting work with this very good website and a very BIG THANKS to all fans in Italy and all over the world, we love you!
The Rasmus"

Mar 23, 2007 4:09 PM
Subject Festival Reminder
Body: We know that tour dates are going to be thin on the ground this year with the writing and recording of the new album BUT you can always skip to Finland for some Finn-festival rockin''!

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